I fiddled around some more with the color study I posted the 13th of this month. I'm still undecided as to a palette for this painting. The background concerns me more than anything else. In the photo the sky is what I would call Cobalt Blue Deep. Looks nice but it's predictable and boring, IMO. Even though the sketch looks complicated the shapes are pretty simple. Can I get away with doing something really fun with the background without over complicating the painting? Do I really have to resort to using masking fluid? Can I get powerful colors like turquoise and Indian yellow to work together? How will adding gouache affect the painting? How can I produce convincing clouds? I tried to answer all these questions today and am posting my results. I learned a few things...some things I liked, some not so much. I will continue to try new colors and techniques until I have my "ah Ha!" moment.
Very nice...I read your progression..looks its coming along. Looking forward to the final.
I'm deliberately being very methodical with this one, Diane. It's not my usual approach so it's a new experience for me. We'll see what comes of it.
Nice Billie, love the progression of these.
I like the shape and composition, hope it turns out as you hope. You might check out Jimmy Wright's sunflower pictures also - mostly in pastel as I recall but very creative.
Thanks, Vera.:)
I will certainly check out Wright's sunflowers, Nick. Thanks for the suggestion. I've looked at other artist's versions of sunflowers online and found some pretty bad sunflower art out there. I'm currently stalled because I don't have a board large enough to accomodate the size of the paper. Also I can't seem to come up with a blue I really like either.
This looks gorgeous! Your choice of the violet is a good one. I know what you mean about the sky, though - traditional, typical, you want something with more pizzazz. So...how about a very mottled mix of colors, incorporating the blue and that violet in the bg - like a stormy sky? I admire your method on this one, trying to find the right mix before even starting.
I would love to paint sunflowers against a stormy sky, RH. I think that would look awesome. I settled for some pretty bright, potent colors this time, tho.
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