Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Good Ship Rhino ~ WIP 3

This looks a little rough because in some areas there are 2-3 layers of tracing paper overlapping.The vertical cut on the right was made to tighten the width of the format. I simply sliced the chosen area and slid it over to the left.

This will be the last update of my sketch before the final. There are still a few things I plan to adjust but I'm close to completion. Once I'm completely satisfied I will do a final tracing and post that before tranferring the drawing onto my working paper. As weird as this may look it is surrealism. I plan to post my thought process while working on this. I must say, it's a great deal of fun to let my imagination run wild and free. I love fantasy, cats, critters and who knows...before this is done there may be a few flowers that show up. Flowers are another love of mine. So fun to include it all in one painting.


  1. Oh, this is brilliant Billie! I've got a very good feeling about this one. There is so much to see. Beautiful! I'm so curious how you are going to finish:)

  2. I've made so many changes to this since my last post it's getting crazy. I seem to have too many ideas. I think I will need to learn to edit myself. Nice to know my imagination is still alive and well.;)
