Monday, August 13, 2012

Good Ship Rhino ~ final sketch

After countless tweaks I believe I'm finally satisfied with this sketch but don't ask me tomorrow. I may change my mind again. The most difficult thing was to keep the focus on the main subject, the shipwreck. It was becoming more about those octopus tentacles. I hope by using those same tentacles to frame the shipwreck plus narrowing the format and bringing everything closer together I've solved that issue. I may run into trouble again when I add color so I will have to be mindful of that.


  1. Its an inspired piece. I love to see the work up pre-painting. The road of how an artist gets to a final end is always fascinating.

    The ocotopus tentacle framing the side works well and in good contrast to the pilings of the pier on the opposite side.

  2. Hello Billie:) I'm very impressed already!

  3. I'm glad you think the upward reaching tentacle works, Jeanette. It was the only solution I could find.

  4. Thank you, Renate.:) You've stuck with me on this one and I hope you will continue until it's complete.
