Monday, March 28, 2011

Rudy~WIP 2

Quick update on my progress. Rendering Rudy's fur has been a challenge and I'm not satisfied with my results yet. Phoebe practically painted herself (love when that happens) but Rudy's coloration is far trickier. I haven't even started on his tail or touched the mouse tucked within it. I will continue to work away and may even add some soft pastel at some point to achieve the look of his soft fur. I will say this looks better IRL than on screen. For some unknown reason poor Rudy looks like he's been shot out of a cannon in the above image but no matter how I photographed this painting it always came out looking the same way.


  1. Rudy's another beauty Billie. Its always difficult going through the rougher stages before reaching the goal, but this will be a wonderful piece.

    Love the mouse hiding in the fur of his tail, genius!

  2. Thanks, Jeanette.:) Rudy's in need of some fine tuning. Once I complete his tail and the mouse I will assess the painting and see what he needs before calling this one done.

  3. Oh Billie's looking fantastic!!..don't worry I'll just suck up all that extra fur I have in the could take a few days...*sigh*

  4. Thanks, Maggie! I've been informed by Rudy's owner I've done well with the fur which makes me very happy.:) You have my sympathy with the cat hair problem. Himalayans tend to shed a lot or so I've been told. Do you go through a lot of vacuums?
