Thursday, March 31, 2011



I think Rudy is finally done. I may do some minor tweaking but I'm pretty happy with the results at this point. I kept to my original palette with the addition of some Crimson Lake for the mouse's ear and nose. I may give him some whiskers, too. Not sure yet. I did wind up softening the edges of the cat's fur and tail with a little white soft pastel.

Note: Tweaks have been completed and the first image has been replaced by the final. I decided not to add whiskers to the mouse. Rudy had enough for both and I felt they would be distracting.


  1. Very nice. I just caught a real mouse in a trap today. I have a phobia about them. My 78 yr old mom is coming tomorrow to toss the trap for me. She had the same fear until I was born and she had to protect me. I don't have kids so I guess I'm stuck with the phobia. My dogs can look out for themselves. lol

  2. Fabulous finish Billie. The shots of colour in a subdued palette works so well. Beautiful.

  3. Thanks, Jeanne.:) Mice don't scare me. Rats are another story. Gladly I've only run into one in my life but that was quite enough.

  4. Glad you like this one, Jeanette.:) I wanted to alter the palette just a bit from the one prior. Rudy has a lot of grey in his fur. At one point I thought it had gotten too drab but things managed to work themselves out.
