Thursday, February 26, 2009

Watercolor Textures

I haven't wandered off again. Instead I've been reading Ann Blockley's Book, Watercolour Textures while waiting for my art supplies to arrive and having fun experimenting with different techniques. So far I've produced nothing worth posting but it's been a learning experience none the less. She often uses different surfaces such as gessoed mountboard and incorporates acrylic inks and textiles such as lace in some of her work with incredible results. I've played with dropping alcohol into wet w/c paint and found it creates great dandelions! Other than that...well, I'm still playing.

For all of you watercolor artists out there that aren't 'purists' and want to take your work to the next level, I'd recommend Ann's book.


  1. Isn't all of that fun Billie? I'm sure you will come up with some fantastic results, can't wait to see them.

  2. i love Ann's results, Mary! problem is, i don't have gesso or acrylic inks...yet. no mountboard either. i wonder if i could use matboard? that i've got.

  3. Is that a nice book, Billie? Like I need any more books! Your talk of art supplies reminds me I need to order some masking fluid.

  4. Ann Blockley's got some really cool ideas, Anita but she wanders into what I'd call more mixed media than pure w/c, IMO. if that interests you i'd definitely say "buy this book!"

  5. Sounds like a cool book Billie. I just read another book by Jean Pederson called Expressive Portraits which sounds similar but may have to check this one out too, like I need more books as well ;) I just saw some alcohol drops too and thought oooh... watercolor is really an amazing medium!

  6. it IS a cool book, Tracey. the more i play with w/c the more fascinating the medium becomes to me. it's far more versatile than i originally thought. i'll have to check out Pederson's book. thanks for the tip!
