Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mike's Cat Revised

I have to say, the position of the cat looks better this way and it didn't take much alteration either. It also solved the 'tail problem'. I suggested the water and scribbled in some landscape and threw in some cattails. Nothing is set on that yet. Any suggestions anyone? Mike, got any preferences?


  1. oh that's working better :>)

    I think I'd take the top point of the moon slightly further around, leaving the point clear of the cat and not having them both finish at the same position - it's going to be a good one :>)

  2. i agree, Vivien.:) you had the right idea. i see what you mean about the top of the cat's back and the Moon. i already corrected that. i didn't notice it until i posted the image. i may wind up reducing the size of the Moon/cat a bit, too. still tweaking.......

  3. When I need a smile I just need to look at this - its so cute. I envy you your patience - me, I'd just dive in and then regret not having tweaked beforehand and end up with it in the trash. Its going to be a stunner.

  4. thank you, Anita!:) patience isn't one of my virtues either but i'm such a art supply miser it's better for me to work things out first on the cheap stuff before putting paint to good paper.

  5. I don't know who Vivien is, but she got it exactly right. And to be really picky, I'd say the tail could be just a little bit longer. This is great design, everything about it I like!

  6. thanks, Nick.:) Vivien has a great eye and is an amazing artist. check out her blog sometime.

    thx for your input! yea...the tail. i'd wrap it around the top of the Moon but i'm afraid it would reduce the reflection too much. the suggestions i've gotten from Mike so far are to reduce the size of the Moon and the cat just a bit and raise the horizon line. he likes to see more reflection in the water. i'll be tweaking until my paper gets here(if it ever does)and i'll decide what works best for me then.
