Friday, June 22, 2007

Two Pieces Sold!

Hemingway's Cat~SOLD
I contacted the gallery today and two of my pieces sold. YES! The Buckeye Butterfly and a print of Hemingway's Cat have now gone to their new homes.


  1. Thrilled to bits for you Billie - the first sales of many to come!

  2. Wow!! How fabulous Billie! I am happy for you too and hope they are soon calling you to say they need more artwork because ALL of your pieces have sold. :)

  3. Anita and Stacy, can you believe it? i can't seem to. i do hope more will sell but this sure is a nice start.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I am so happy for you Billie. This is proof that the positive win. Your life has changed quite a bit with these first steps. I am so thrilled to hear this news

  5. I knew it, I knew it!!! Congratulations Billie! Isn't it a wonderful feeling and a bit out of worldly one too?

    There'll be plenty more sales to come and that cat picture is gorgeous, no wonder it sold.

  6. Thanks Robin and Jeanette.:-) If you'd asked me last year if I would be selling any of my work in a gallery I would've told you that's crazy. What a difference time and positive thinking makes. It IS a wonderful feeling to know others enjoy your work enough to pay for it.

    Jeanette, this cat has very special meaning for me. I really poured myself into this piece and apparently it showed.

  7. Billie, I knew that would happen I am so happy for you! Now there will be no stopping! I had forgotten about this cat it is stupendous!

  8. I really like this.
