Friday, June 15, 2007

Gallery Walk

The annual Petoskey Gallery Walk will be held June 21st, not the 23rd which I had previously thought. Eleven galleries will be participating and the walk will end with fabulous food and entertainment at Stafford's Perry Hotel. All the galleries will be donating artwork for a prize drawing.

Yesterday I took seven of my older pieces to Northern Michigan Artist's Market for a total of nine on display. I included a colored pencil piece, two watercolors, three graphite pieces and one print. When everything had been delivered and put into inventory I promptly went home and took a three hour nap. *huge sigh of relief* I had no idea I was stressing so much but apparently I was. I'm all better now.

While at the gallery I had a chance to chat with Martin Scott, one of the gallery owners. They're in the process of updating their website so buyers will be able to purchase their artist's work directly from the new site. As Martha would say, this could be a very good thing.


  1. Wonderful news Billie! Hope you will add a link to the Website.

  2. Mary, check the link at the very top of my link list. it'll take you to the NMAM website.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Wonderful news Billie! This is exciting. Weren't you the one wishing for a few artist friends nearby? I think your wish has come true

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Oh BTW I really like the postcard. Nice design

  5. Hey, Robin! i guess wishes DO come true after all. haha

  6. Best of luck with the Gallery Walk Billie! I hope you get some sales. Isn't it funny how exhausting this stuff can be. My theory is that just proves how much we want to be successful!!

    Also, your orchid in the last post is beautiful!!!

  7. Hi Stacy! thank you for stopping by to comment.:-) yes, i didn't realize how nerve wracking this would be. glad things are done for now. success isn't for sissys. haha
