Sunday, September 17, 2017

Test Composition ~ the ladies

I'm trying out a new comp with my ladies. I like this one but it needs to be amped up I think. It needed a border so I painted a random pattern with walnut ink, then applied pieces of tissue paper over top glued down with gloss medium. When dry I went over that with white acrylic. I like it. The walnut ink did bleed in some spots when I was applying the tissue paper. Not too happy about that. BTW, I did post my first 3 sketches on Facebook and requested feedback. I got some interesting replies. The feedback was useful.


  1. the colours make me happy, nice drawing too :)

  2. Thanks, Cecile! I love the colors, too.

  3. Hi, Billie. We love it! Jean & Valerie

  4. Hey, welcome to my blog! Thank you! I can't get over all the wonderful comments my painting received on Instagram. I'll have a big head after this, ;) Thanks again for sharing it.
