Sunday, August 28, 2016

Daniel Smith Cobalt Teal & The New Black

I've just completed a commissioned painting, a four cat portrait for their human Mom's birthday. I took photos along the way and I've gotten permission from my client to post the WIP on my blog.

I want to give a shout out to Daniel Smith for their fabulous Quinacridones. I doubt I could've achieved the results I did without them. Quin. Burnt Orange is perfect for orange kitty fur and a few flourishes of Quin. Violet bump it up another notch. One of the cats was predominately grey and black so I went with Quin. Sienna and Indigo for my black mix. I normally use burnt sienna but no more. I was thrilled with the black the Quin. Sienna produced. Very clean and rich and it watered down to a nice neutral grey. But grey is still grey and it needs help. This is where the Cobalt Teal came into play. I had planned to use it in the background so I needed to work it into the cats somehow. I added a light glaze on the grey fur and wow! That grey came to life! It was one of those ah HA! moments I love. It never gets old. I'm happy, my client is I hope the birthday girl will be happy.


  1. great soft looking fur on them all :)

  2. Wow Billie, I love the cat pet portrait! Each one is fabulous and furry. Thanks for the tip about the quin sienna + indigo for a nice black...will try it to make a soft subtle grey.

  3. Beautiful work. I'm sure the collector will be thrilled. Cats are your forte, the love of the form shows through. I agree that DS quinacridone paints are fabulous. The quinacridone burnt orange is one of my favourites and that cobalt teal, mmmmmm. The quinacridone coral is very pretty too.

  4. Thanks, Kay. :) Yes, that black is the best I've mixed up yet and the grey is very clean.

  5. I never get tired of painting cats, Jeanette. They make me smile. I've got a tube of Quin. Coral! I'll have to break it out.

  6. Very nice Billie. Always useful when artists share their tips. Thanks.

  7. Beautifully done!! I know the intended will be sooo happy! And thank you for the tips!

    Thank you too for the kind words, much appreciated.
