Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Miss Willmott's Ghost Blooms Again

This has become an annual event in my moon garden. Miss Willmott's Ghost(eryngium giganteum) aka Giant White Sea Holly is a biannual plant that, once she matures enough to bloom, dies afterward but she's a prolific self seeder. This has been a stellar year with not one but six plants reaching maturity. The tallest are almost 3' high with many flower bracts. I hope to get more photos of her before she kicks the proverbial bucket. One plant has popped up in the middle of my Golden Tiara hosta, another in my August Moon hosta, and there's no digging her out without causing major harm to the hostas. Miss Willmott has a very deep and tough taproot. I may have to take some cuttings. I just harvested about 20 garlic scapes and together, they might make an interesting a floral arrangement.   


  1. Its such a beautiful plant, I must grow some. The first image is wonderful, that tracery of veins looking like spider webs. There must be a painting in there for you I think.

  2. The sun was in and out while I was taking pictures. I discovered Miss Willmott photographs better in lower light so the first shot turned out the best. She's really a striking plant, isn't she? I may have to paint her again!
