Monday, July 14, 2014

Miss Willmott ~ WIP 1

Yesterday I managed to transfer my drawing to working paper, in this case Arches 140# CP paper. I laid in some background color and today I started work on the flowers. It's difficult to get certain colors to appear correctly because they are so neutral. In fact, when I tried to scan my color study the scanner read it as a black & white photo so I had to photograph it. When completed, this painting will be approx. 21" x 9". Sorry the painting is photographed in pieces. I was too lazy to set up my easel and do a proper job of it.  


  1. I liked the drawnings and I thinks this one will become a great paintng. Like your choice of colours :)

  2. Thanks, Cecile! I going for a soft, 'morning light' appearance. We'll see how it turns out.
