Thursday, April 03, 2014

Merganser ~ complete

I finished this up last night. Today it's gloomy so not the best photo. My Canon has a noise reduction feature that seems to have brought out the blue tones in the paint which aren't that noticeable IRL. Also my monitor shows all the greens as various shades of lime. Not sure how they appear to others. Maybe someone will stop by and let me know. Oh well. Here it is, warts and all.

Note: I've discovered I've been misspelling the name of the duck. It's 'merganser with an 'S', not a 'Z'. 


  1. hi Billy,
    no blues here. and the green is mostly grassgreen.
    I have a Philips monitor and it mostly shows colours as they should be.
    I like how the merganzer has turned out now you have painted its reflection.

  2. Good to know. Thanks, Cecile! It isn
    't quite as grass green as it appears. I 'upped' the contrast to get rid of the blue and the green brightened a lot. If I lowered the saturation I lost the auburn tones in the head feathers. I couldn't win. I'm glad you like it. I was just browsing your altered books again. I love the dress you fashioned out of flower petals. Brilliant!
