Friday, December 13, 2013

Pecking Order ~ complete

I mounted this on 144# Yupo two days ago but had to wait to get a photograph. The weather finally broke long enough to allow me to capture a decent photo of this piece. I took it outside today on a bright hazy, 5 degree F day...perfect for photographing art. Well, the temp wasn't perfect but tolerable and the lighting couldn't have been better. I added a digital 'frame' with my photo editor. The final dimensions are approx. 11" x 18". Hope you like!

Note: My photo reference was courtesy of Sharon Whitley on Paint My Photo.


  1. Beautiful Billie!

  2. Love this! Made me smile, big time, considering we both used the same ref photo! Great minds, eh? :-) Thanks for the FB friendship!

  3. Thanks, Linda! I loved your version, too. Isn't it a great reference photo? Thank you for the friend request. :)
