Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Red Hat Ladies 2 ~ update

February has got me moving in slow-mo. I blame it on the winter doldrums. My momentum is down to a crawl. The drawing sat on my easel until we had a brief (1 hour) power outage just a few days ago so I was left with nothing else to do but get started on this painting. I think it would still be sitting there naked today if not for that event. Hopefully I can get this finished faster than it took to get it started.


  1. I love it! You've really captured her expression of delight & whimsy. Suffer through the February doldrums - it will be March soon!

  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Pat. :) I know this too shall pass. It just seems like winter lasts too long around here.

  3. I love this painting very much. Beatiful work Billie. Wonderful expression and it gives happiness.
    lovely greet and nice weekend

  4. Thank you, Marja! I was just admiring your Masai woman on your blog. Amazing!
