Friday, January 25, 2013

Cat Makes Daniel Smith Cover

Well, I'll be darned. I entered  A Cat of Color in the Daniel Smith Annual Art contest back in late September 2012 and with the help of the voting public and especially friends who voted (you know who you are) I managed to win a place with the weekly winners, then the monthly winners and am now in the running for one of the annual prizes. The final judging won't be done by the public but by a judging panel. I am also excited to see an image of my entry on the cover of Daniel Smith's Spring catalog among a collection of other monthly winners. I'm not sure when the final judging will take place. Possibly May or June 2013. I'll just have to cross fingers and wait.


  1. Excellent! Congratulations and well deserved. Fingers crossed for you!

  2. Great news Billie! My fingers are crossed for you too.

  3. Thanks, Anita. :) I need all the crossed fingers I can get.
