Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Red Hat Ladies ~ WIP 4

Okay, this is where I'm at right now. The beads weren't as tedious to paint as I feared and I hope the feather boa reads as feathers and not fur. I can already see a few things that need tweaking and I want to give the background a loose wash of golden yellow to break up all the reds and purples. I used the method I devised in my last post to create the feathers and it seemed to work pretty well. The red of the boa had to be broken up a little so I added some Perlyene Violet and Quin. violet for color variation and depth. I also used a damp brush to lift out and highlight some of the feathers.  


  1. Hello Billie:) Wow what a great job on the ladies. Love their different faces and also love their clothes. Beautiful! The hat of the lady in the middle is so brilliant. I'm curious what kind of background it will get.

  2. Thank you! I did a pale wash of Quin. gold behind the ladies's heads in the background. You can barely see it in the last image I posted. Since then I deepened it a little and it looks better. More noticeable. I haven't taken a new photo yet.

  3. These ladies should be very proud of this painting.

    I can feel the soft feather boa as if it was the real thing!!

    Love the expressions on their face and congratulations on finishing it for someone else to enjoy.

    I can't wait to see your next piece of art! WheelerGirl

  4. Thank you so much, Katherine.:)
