Saturday, July 28, 2012

Making Friends ~ WIP

This one is still in the works. I'm feeling my way as I go along. I find it's better not to have a solid goal in mind when working with alcohol ink. It's similar to watercolor in that way. Add the Yupo factor and try not to plan at all. Just see what happens and go with the flow. I think this needs some cool color. Maybe Pool, similar to Phthalo blue in hue.


  1. very good watercolor!! : )

  2. Thank you, Sadeu.:) It was painted with alcohol ink, no watercolor.

  3. alcohol ink not stand the light, not put up near the light

  4. You mean is it colorfast? It is as far as I know. The only thing you should use it on are non porous surfaces, though. That's why I'm painting on Yupo with these inks.

  5. Yes, colorfast...
