Monday, July 23, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

The after

The before

...keep on trying. With Yupo that isn't difficult. Man, is this stuff forgiving. I wanted to try watercolor on this surface to see just how much trouble it would give me. You can push watercolor around on Yupo all day and into the night but I didn't want to spend the time so I got out my inks, an Exacto knife & some markers and started playing. I scanned my original results (which were boring, BTW) and I'm posting both the before & after. I think it's much more exciting now. I may even continue playing with this one. I'm not the least bit happy with where the stems cross so I should correct that mistake while I'm at it.


  1. Thank you Estitika and welcome to my blog.:)

  2. Hello Billie:) I fell in love with Yupo! I'm using it for a while now and I love the fight with it. I'm now working on one. Wanted to make a little dramatic painting. I'm only using watercolor, salt and alcohol. Again: your work is beatiful!

  3. Hi Renate and welcome to my blog! Honestly, I thought I'd never like Yupo but I'm finding it has many possibilities. Yesterday I was once again experimenting and added soft pastel to an ink/watercolor painting with some very interesting results. I may post these results later.

    And thank you for your lovely comment about my work.:)
