Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back to the Drawing Board

I found myself stuck on a problem with my cat collage *sigh* so I decided to go back to my roots...drawing. I haven't sketched much of anything in quite some time. Being able to draw and sketch should be a basic skill of every artist. I realized I had grown lazy, using my computer screen as a light box to trace simple outlines for my paintings from photo references. I was always so eager to get started on the painting I was neglecting my prep work.

I have this shell that has sat on the tank lid of my toilet as decoration for years. It's a crazy looking thing. Well armored with spikes poking out at every angle. This must have been one bada** snail when it was alive and I'm sure it died of natural causes.

I sketched this shell from four different angles with ballpoint pen. I used a pen to keep myself honest. No erasing. Then I found a few sheets of sanded pastel paper. I hunted through my art supplies and found my sketch sepia pencil, one sanguine, one china white and also I grabbed a medium charcoal pencil and went to work. I'm posting my current results for Operation Snail Shell.


  1. Its a wonderful drawing. Shells are just made to be drawn I believe.

    And you're right, we do get lazy and need to go back to the drawing board(literally) to remind ourselves how amazing the process is and how beautiful the finished product.

  2. Thank you.:) I really enjoyed getting back to dry media for a change. I love shells, too. Wish I could remember where I put an entire box full of them. I had all kinds of lovely shells at one time.

  3. hi billie, your drawings are amazing and full of life! getting back to the drawing board is a trip i need to make soon. it gets the juices flowing.

    great work. and thank you for your comments on my blog. i so appreciate them.

  4. Thank you, Suzanne! Welcome to my blog.:) I love your work and look forward to what you paint next.
