Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Doodles

I am in such a funk this holiday season it's ridiculous. I realized I'd produced nothing of creative value in weeks so I got out a drawing pad and an array of pencils and have kept them next to me on the sofa. When I get in these moods I tend to spend way too much time in front of the TV so I figured why not keep some art supplies handy and doodle while staring at the idiot box. It worked. Santa cat and his sleigh pulled by a team of house mice was the result. I'm not sure I will develop this any further. I don't plan to create Xmas cards again this year and it's really too late anyway. Maybe next year. Something that I've noticed...people will buy Xmas cards at the gallery during the summer months so I may put paint to this idea and offer cards later in the year.


  1. Christmas has a way of doing this to people sometimes, just sucks the life out of you. But it passes and a sketchbook close to hand helps.

    This is fabulous! I LOVE the concept. You must develop it. It will be amazing!

  2. this is absolutely delightful! you should develop it.

    I'm doing the same thing - keeping pencils and stuff near my armchair - winter makes me feel like hibernating.

  3. Thanks, Jeanette.:) I think the fun part of Xmas is for kids and since I don't have any little kids in my life the holiday has become a drudge. I do enjoy having the family over the eve before but after that it's such a letdown that I feel 'why bother'. I've really caught a case of Scrooge-itis this year.

  4. Glad you like this too, Vivien.:) Maybe I will see it through. I know what you mean by hibernating. The short, dark days of winter suck the energy right out of me and seem to take my creativity with it.

  5. This is too cute for you not to develop into a card! You may feel a little bit scrooge-like, but your creativity sure hasn't caught it. Great idea to keep those pencils close at hand while you "think" you're not working.(grin)-Anita.

  6. Hey, Anita...thanks! Yup, the gears are always turning even though I can't seem to make myself hit the studio. I need to brush up on my drawing skills anyway.
