Monday, February 21, 2011



I'm calling this one done. I applied a few more glazes to the background, finished the mouse, removed any masking, tweaked Phoebe(my model) and generally tidied things up.

Here's a little background on Phoebe from her loving Mom, Marcia Van Osten:

Phoebe is a "papered" full Persian. Her Persian name is "Sugar N' Spice Girl." Her "twin" sole litter mate is Rudy the Himalayan. ("Little Boy Blue") Their Mother was "Olivia", father "Noah". Olivia is 1/2 sister to Donny and his sister Marie.. She is actually 9 yrs old, but tiny- 5-6 lbs. She is a Cream Cameo Persian. VERY spunky, active and of course demanding.


  1. I do love this piece. It has all the elements that keep me coming back to look again.

    Beautiful job Billie. A whole series of these...'cat and mouse' pieces could be effective.

  2. Thank you, Jeanette.:) This one was such a pleasure to paint. I think Phoebe is cute beyond words. A series...ummm, I may give that some thought. Good idea.

  3. Great Blog! I hope you will follow me back at Hope to see you there.

  4. Thanks, RD.:) I've done many a home project. Maybe I can learn something from your blog. Good to see a contractor interested in art, too.

  5. No surprise that this has sold. I hope you offer prints.

  6. Thanks, Lisa! I doubt I'll be offering prints but I do plan to offer greeting cards.
