Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sun Kings~Complete

The completed painting. The Zig marker is very shiny gold but I'm not sure that's apparent in this image.

I've removed the old frisket and placed a fresh piece over the crow. I then cut around the shape of the crow with an Exacto knife, removed the cutout and went over the exposed paper with black marker. I peeled off the rest of the frisket when the marker was dry and Voila! A black crow.

....I think. I'm really not sure if this needs something more or not. I'll have to look at it for a few days before I decide. I completed the crows and I love them. I'm wondering if I need to add more. I wound up removing the Frisket film from the crows, laying on a fresh piece of Frisket, creating a stencil of sorts with my Exacto knife, then coloring in the shapes with a permanent Sharpie. I also used black marker to color in gaps in the wax on the flower centers. I used my gold metallic Zig Painty to embellish the flowers, one stem and to paint all the leaves. Zig Paintys will mark over just about anything because they are oil based and they went over the paraffin very well.


  1. Beautiful! I'm attracted to crows and these add a little extra wow factor to the painting - I'd love to see this one in person as I'm sure the photo doesn't do that gold lining justice.

  2. Thanks, RH.:) The gold marker actually looks kinda green in the image. Yes, it's much more effective IRL. I love crows too and this was just begging for a few flying about.

  3. Billie,
    This painting reminds me of a wonderful embroidery. I love the freedom with which you choose the material that is just right for your purpose. Well done!

  4. Thanks, Christiane.:) I truly enjoy trying unconventional materials for my artwork.
