Monday, June 28, 2010


I'm not bored but this cat sure looks bored. I liked my Sepia cat enough to try another. I did use a reference photo this time (courtesy of Yod Barro on Wetcanvas) and it shows, IMO. I think it's lacking the same spontaneity as the first painting because I focused on the photo too much. I love the reference photo but the cat's head is at a tricky angle so I needed guidance with the eye placement. However, once that was established I probably should've put the ref away. I used the same palette...DS Undersea green and warm sepia with white gouache added for the whiskers and the catchlight in the eye.

I tried two different closeup and one vertical and narrow with the subject at the very bottom. I think I like the second best. It's different.


  1. gorgeous! and you've caught the bored look beautifully :>)

  2. Thanks, Vivien.:) If this was a dog I would say he looked guilty but since cats don't 'do' guilt, he looks bored.:D

  3. Parabéns!
    Um felino pensando na vida, sempre esconderá o que pensa!

  4. Obrigado.:) Este é talvez um gato pensativo em vez de um gato entediado ... hein? Perdoe-me enquanto eu estou usando o tradutor do Google.

  5. Perfect! The composition is excellent and the painting wonderful. It has a lovely looseness yet a crisp feel. Another keeper! You're on a roll!

  6. i like the top crop too billie the bottom crop really highlights the cats expression... we have two cats with very similar markings..brilliant

  7. I'd say 'thoughtful' rather than
    'bored', Billie. He's georgous!

  8. I like the top crop best too, Jane.:) Thanks!

  9. Thoughtful...that's possible. Maybe I should title this 'Pensive'. 'Bored' doesn't sound like a very good title anyway. Glad you like him, Vera.:)
