Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crabby Cat Birthday

Crabby Cat first appeared this past Christmas and I thought it would be fun to bring him back for another holiday, this time a more personal day. I adore cats with lots of 'catitude' so when I saw Mefisto, a Maine Coon owned by MaLu on Paint My Photo I was inspired to create a birthday card. I'd like to extend my apologies to Mefisto for turning him into a Persian and adding the party elements. Mefisto is a gorgeous black & white Maine Coon with loads of attitude and I just couldn't resist.

I used the same method to create C C Birthday as I did C C Xmas. I drew my outline onto tracing paper, transferred the image onto card stock, scanned it and then printed it directly onto 140# HP watercolor paper. I went over the outline with a 05 Micron pen, then added the color using a combination of Prismacolor CP's and watercolor and I will be turning this into notecards again. I did learn one lesson from C C Xmas...I drew in my own text this time because I was not happy with the way the text printed out that I added using my photo editor.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Awesome Billie. Love him!
    Hallmark is going to be calling soon.

  2. Thanks, Robin:) but I doubt Hallmark would be interested. Their line of cards aren't funny anymore. All are either cutsy-tootsy or sentimental.

  3. hehehe fabulous. You're on a winner with these cat cards!

  4. Crabby cats always give me a chuckle, Jeanette. A customer at the gallery asked why my cats look so ornery and why can't I paint happier looking cats. That made me want to paint even more ornery cats.:p

  5. Hi, had wondered what you'd been up to. . . adorable card!

  6. Thanks, Vera.:) I'm still here. I had so much work to do in my yard it was awful. I over-did it and didn't feel well for a few days so that put me behind on things but I'm back in action now.:D
