Saturday, May 08, 2010

Batik Tulips~Completed

Ta Da! It's finally done. Last night I removed all the tape and finished the centers of the tulips. Today I looked at it and thought I could've done a better job on the tulip in the lower left corner so I retaped a few areas and applied another light wash. I got some very nice bleeds on the tulip and the background and thoroughly enjoyed this process. I would definitely try this again. It's a bit tedious applying the tape but more fun than a chore. Kudos to Sandy Maudlin for creating this technique.


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it !!
    Do More !

  2. Thank you, Janet! I'm quite pleased with it myself. Especially for a first try.

  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Really beautiful Billie. So fresh and creative. Love the end result.

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    It turned out wonderful Billie. So fresh and creative. I love it!

  5. Well, well, well....didn't that turn out fantabulous (my own word)!!!!!!...LOL. It looks wonderful!!

  6. I love your new word, Maggie.:) I make my own words up often. I was actually surprised it turned out so well. Glad, too.

  7. I agree, I turned out great!

  8. What fun, Billie! See now why I had not found stages, had opened from my own blog following and just got one update at a time. Have to open entire blog to see each stage listed together! ('')

  9. I'd love to see what you do with this technique, Vera. *hint, hint* I'll bet you could come up with something really spectacular.

  10. Thanks, Patty.:) I'd like to try this again on a larger scale. I've read that different masking tapes produce different results so I need to experiment further.

  11. I'm very impressed. I love this technique. Love your painting.

  12. This technique produces some unique results, Diana. I'm always on the lookout for something interesting. Glad you like it.:)

  13. WOW that is super cool! That does look like such a fun technique & the final painting is so full of depth & interesting texture, love it :)

  14. This is the first time I heard of this technique. What you did looks really nice. Good job! Definitely worth looking into. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Thank you, Christine. I enjoyed the suspense of it all and I liked the effects, too.
