Friday, April 30, 2010

Peaches Strikes A Pose

"Be sure to get my good side!" What a diva.

What a ham. *eyeroll*

She suddenly notices me!

Not ready for her head shot yet.

I recently visited a friend of mine that raises laying hens in her backyard. I was excited to hopefully get some photos of her chickens for a future painting, however most did not want to cooperate. One exception was Peaches, an Isa Brown. I went right into the pen and sat on the ground, camera in hand hoping for a few good shots. Once Peaches noticed I was focusing on her I swear she began posing for me. I'd bring the camera up for the shot, Peaches would position herself and freeze in place until I took the photo. Then she would go about her business until I brought the camera up again. As a model she was very professional.


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Way too cute. I think you need one of those chicks in your yard. That must have been a fun visit.

  2. Great shots. Hope you didn't sit in anything.

  3. It was fun, Robin. Chickens are so funny.:D Peaches was a real trooper.

  4. Thanks, Jean.:) I didn't sit in anything but my shoes were another story. Guess it's the price to be paid for a really good reference photo. lol

  5. How fun...looking forward to a painting.

  6. Not sure when I'll get to painting this chicken, Diana. My reference supply was dwindling so I want to restock it. I go to my photos for inspiration. It depends on my mood what strikes me as project worthy.

  7. Can't wait to see what you do with this cutie, even if she was an unprofessional model!

  8. Anita, she was very professional....for a chicken anyway.;) She refused to take direction but at least she held still and knew how to 'work it'.
