Thursday, April 08, 2010

Dragonfly on Matboard~WIP

I just started this a few minutes ago so not much is done but I thought I'd post a quick update. I truly enjoy painting on matboard. I like the interesting textural effects that can be achieved so easily on this surface. I started with a loose sketch of the dragonfly, then brushed on some juicy Quin. gold, perylene green and DS carbazole violet. I spritzed the painting lightly with an atomizer bottle/water to move the colors and let them mix and mingle on the board. I encouraged a few blooms and splattered paint here and there. No plan in mind, just seeing where things lead me. After this dries I may add some ink, colored pencil, more watercolor...I'm only limited by my imagination. This is the method of painting that relaxes me.

Correction: I previously titled this post 'Dragonfly on Mountboard'. I'm working on matboard, not mountboard. Sorry.:(


  1. Billy...This already looks wonderful and exciting...I love the textures you have there.....Can you paint straight onto the mountboard, or do you have to prepare it 1st........

  2. Thanks, Stephie.:) You can paint directly on the matboard or coat it with acrylic gesso. I've done both with great results.

  3. Stephie, I'm working on matboard, not mountboard. So sorry for the error. I've never tried working on mountboard before but I know it can be coated with gesso, then painted.

  4. mmmm....So what is matboard then Billie???

  5. The matboard I'm using is just the paper plyboard that's used for matting artwork. I order my precut mats from American Frame online and they always include the cut out centers with my order. I've got quite a stack of these 'centers' so I started using them for painting and found they are great for that purpose.
