Sunday, March 21, 2010

Purple Cat

Hey, why not? I've finally used up all the paint on my latest palette, too! This colorful kitty was painted freehand, wet-into-wet on #140 Fabriano Uno. I added some violet Bombay ink with a pen and nib after the painting was dry. I wound up with a few unplanned 'blobs', one right on the cat's face. I'm a menace with bottled ink and nibs. :(


  1. Why not indeed! Good going Billie, enjoyed seeing this.

  2. Hi Billie, Oh i can't say how much i love this! To think it was born from the paint left over on your palette from your last work - fantastico!.
    Look at that sweet face..
    makes me smile!

  3. Perfectly purple! This is wonderful. Your palette cleanups always create amazing pieces.

  4. Billie, I love it!
    Freehand you say.. hmmm.. you are a natural

  5. Really brings a smile to my face too, Billie !! I love kitties & purple too, so yeah, Why not !

  6. They are so adorable Billie...Love the colours....

  7. Glad you like this, Vera. Oddly, I've always thought purple and cats work well together.

  8. Thanks, Perugina.:) Funny how a simple palette of two or three colors can create so many variations.

  9. Purple used to be my favorite color, Jeanette. Seems I'm falling in love with it all over again. Besides, I just hate wasting paint. Phthalo turquoise and Quin. Rose make such a lovely purple.

  10. Thank you, Krista.:) For something more complicated or larger I almost always use a drawing but this kitty is small(5"x 7")and done very simply so no drawing required.

  11. Janet, seems we share a love of the same things.:D

  12. Wow you have been busy, I guess I have been away too long! Great idea using up palette leftovers and what a sweet painting :)

  13. Thanks, Tracey.:) I just hate wasting paint.
