Saturday, March 13, 2010

Doodling Online

I found these links (see below) on Vivien Blackburn's blog and it's a ton of fun! She called it a time waster and she's probably right. Vivien also called it addictive and I have to agree.

Doodle Online

Mr. doob's Blog

Mr. doob is aka Ricardo Cabello, the man responsible for this graphic program


  1. Hi Billie.. How cool is that?! A time waster?...never!!!
    Thanks for sharing the link.

  2. That's very effective and a neat little program to work out ideas on if a sketchpad isn't close.

  3. I think it's way cool, Perugina! It could become a time waster but I think it has also has merit as a possible vehicle for ideas.

  4. I enjoyed the different mark making features/possiblities with this program, Jeanette. The outcome seems to depend a lot on one's dexterity with their computer mouse, too.

  5. cute!!!

    oh it is toooo addictive though! I'm really enjoying playing with it.

    It would make wonderful etchings with the gorgeous marks it makes - it's making me want to rejoin the local print workshop to have access again to the acids and plates and presses :>)

  6. Yes...very addictive, Vivien! Someone brought up the Etch-A-Sketch on FB. This program reminds me of this toy. It's like an updated version of Etch-A-Sketch.

    For me, I see it as a way to take my usual subject matter in a new direction.

  7. It takes some thinking (or not?) to come up with something new for a cat. You did it, and it's very cool!

  8. Thanks, Nick.:) It gave me some new ideas. I may try some abstract cats.
