Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!


2009 has come and gone and boy, did it go fast! 2010 is here and tonite there's a blue Moon. I've used the phrase," Once in a blue Moon" numerous times but never truly understood where that particular phrase originated or what it actually meant. I had always assumed it meant something that was a rare occurrence and I was mostly correct. A blue Moon is simply a second full Moon occurring in one month. I did a little research and found some interesting facts regarding Blue Moons. Actually I think it's kind of neat that this particular blue Moon is falling on the eve of the new year but I have a friend that works in a casino and she isn't as thrilled. It seems things get a little crazier during full Moons with casino crowds and twice in one month... well, she's not looking forward to work tonite.

Accessing my artwork these past 12 months, I'm pretty excited with what I consider clearing my biggest hurdle which was loosening up more and becoming much more adventurous. I'm looking forward to exploration not only with watercolor but fluid acrylics, collage and I plan to continue experimenting on different surfaces as well. I'm thrilled and grateful that I've gained more followers and have met many wonderful artists through blogging and Facebook. I don't know where I'm headed with my art but not knowing is half the least for me. Afterall, life is an adventure and art is a big part of my life.

May all my visitors have a wonderful, inspired and productive 2010. Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Billie!!
    Wishing you all the best and continued fun on your art journey in 2010, will look forward to following.
    Great post on the Blue Moon.

  2. Happy New Year Billie! I hope it leads to many new discoveries, creativity and happiness for you.

    Blue moons...interesting.

  3. I wish you and your family all the best for 2010 Billie,
    jan :)

  4. Happy New Year, Perugina! I'm looking forward to enjoying more of your work in the coming year.:)

  5. Happy 2010 to you, Jeanette! I'm definitely in exploration mode so we'll see what happens. I still plan to try your frozen watercolor technique(love it!). I just wish it would stop snowing long enough.

  6. Jan, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your encouragement. It means a lot to me. Happy New Year Year to you and your's as well.:)

  7. Thanks a lot dear Billie,I've added your blog to my blog list too.:)
    jan :)

  8. Billie, getting to meet you via blogging this year has been a blast. Nice to meet someone with the same unstable sence of humor that I have. Hope you take that as a compliment ! Happy journey to you! Keep painting !

  9. Thank you, Jan!:) Your work is truly inspiring.

  10. Happy New Year, Janet! It's been refreshing to find another artist with a warped sense of humor and I certainly take your comment as a compliment.:)

  11. Hello Billie, I loved reading your New Year post and I feel this will honestly be your best ever year artwise.Your enthusiasm and passion shines in every entry......I too have loved meeting you albeit online and look forward to a twelve months ahead of us full of glorious paintings!

    Have the best 2010 possible my friend


  12. Thanks, Jean.:) Yes, I'm looking forward to this coming year. I've broken through some barriers with my art and hope to take things to a new and different level. I'm out of my comfort zone and surprised that I'm actually enjoying it!

    It's been a pleasure to get to know you via the 'net and I look forward to seeing more of your work. I've been inspired by many artists this past year but you're right up there among the top.

  13. Happy New Year Billie & happy painting!

  14. Happy New Year, Tracey!
