Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Crabby Cat Christmas

With some text added

I wasn't planning on printing any Xmas cards this year because I didn't want to spend the money at the printers just before the holidays. Maybe next year...huh? Last night I was fooling around with Elements and decided to try printing out 'Snowflake Flies'. I haven't had much luck with my home printer lately so I never expected the cards to turn out but they actually did!
This gave me the impetuous to try another Xmas card idea I had floating around in my head. Pressed for time, I drew out my sketch and outlined it with a micron pen. Then I scanned and enlarged it. Today I printed out the sketch directly onto #140 HP w/c paper and added color with Prismacolor pencils and watercolor. I will probably add some text and will post the image again when it has been added. For the rest of the day I will be printing out the new cards and getting them ready to take to the gallery. I hope it isn't too late. Nothing like cutting it close.


  1. I love the expression ....!

  2. I so like this one Billie. It keeps making me smile. Thank you.

  3. excellent!!!! love his crabby expression :>D

    could I feature him on my blog to encourage others to link to their cards please????

  4. It makes me smile to know I've made someone else smile, Jeanette.:) I'm so happy my crabby cat did that for you.

  5. Thank you, Vivien! I think I left a link to Crabby Cat on your blog so sure! You can use him to encourage others. I'd be flattered.:)

  6. i love it - nothing like a cat with a tude!!!!! hehehe

    sending you my best wishes for the festive season Billie, and thank you for your support this year

  7. Nope, nothing quite like it, Perugina.;) Thanks!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well and thank YOU for YOUR support!


  8. Love your sense of humor and creativity. Merry Christmas!

  9. Thank you, Sandy! Merry Christmas to you, too.:)

  10. Great card...Merry Christmas!

  11. Thanks, Ron.:) I think it speaks to the bah, humbug in all of us. Merry Xmas to you, too!
