Sunday, November 01, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

I'm very honored to announce that Krista Hasson has chosen my blog to receive this award. Thank you so much, Krista!
Now for the rules. Yup, these awards always come with rules. I must list seven things about myself my visitors might not know such as:

1.) I tend to be an impatient artist. I lose interest in a project if it takes too long.
2.) I really enjoy experimenting with different styles, surfaces and combining other mediums with watercolor.
3.) I'm a terrible procrastinator. Actually I'm a great procrastinator. I do it very well.
4.) I hate to clean house.}:( Unfortunately I love a clean house! I'd give my eye teeth for a maid.
5.) I tend to be a bit of a hermit.
6.) I loathe winter. Snow is NOT my friend.
7.) I don't think I've ever been as enamored with a medium as I have with watercolor. IMHO, no other medium compares.

Now I must pass this award along to seven other art bloggers whom I admire.

Jeanette Jobson
Angela Shogren
Tracey Costescu
Janet Belich
Stephie Butler
Dave Boles


  1. Billie, I think you just described me to a tee, good info. :)

  2. Yea, Krista...I think most artists are cut from the same cloth.;)

  3. congratulations Billie,
    jan :)

  4. Thank you so much! I really feel honored that you chose my blog as one of your 7 when there are so many great ones out there.

    But how on Earth am I going to come up with 7 DIFFERENT things than you already said?!? I could use so many of those to describe myself! LOL!


  5. Then just repeat what I posted if it fits, Angela! lol

  6. Billie, thank you so much for thinking of me for this award. I agree with others here, we share many of the same traits.

  7. Congratulations Billie! We artists must be cut from the same cloth ;) Thanks so much for choosing me for an award :)

  8. You are so welcome, Jeanette.:) I think of you as the Queen of the art bloggers.

  9. How could I not include you, Tracey. Your work is amazing!

  10. How would you feel about cleaning someone else's house?! heheh

  11. I can tell you exactly how I'd feel because I did it for a living at one time, Nick. Not good.:( It's the hardest work I ever did and I've had some physically hard jobs over the years.

    One woman had me wipe the entire inside of her home down with a Murphy's Oil Soap solution...floors, walls, ceilings, trim...everything just because she liked the smell of the product.

  12. Thank you Billie for your kind words and the award!! ;o )

  13. My pleasure, Christine! You deserve it.:)
