Sunday, July 05, 2009

Frog Pond #2

New Photo, better color

Last time I over did it. This time I may have 'under did' it. I used a much softer palette with a not-so-heavy hand. This image is not the greatest as I took it in poor light but did the best I could to correct the colors. I will take another photo tomorrow in better light and replace this one.

I completely changed the format. This is 7" x 15", taller and narrower than the first, and I only gessoed the areas around the frog while protecting said frog with frisket film. I'm not sure I was able to integrate the two surfaces to my satisfaction. The jury is still out on that. I had much more control on the un-gessoed area but I really missed the effects I can achieve on gesso, particularily the mottled 'look' I can create by misting partially wet paint with clear water. IMO, my frog would've looked better had I been able to give that look to it's skin.

I went for a much simpler composition...maybe too simple. I may add some more tadpoles or something to better balance it out. I'm really happy with the river rock/pebbles at the bottom and I like the splash/water turbulence around the frog. That was done by creating the right texture with the gesso around the frog before I began painting. After I had finished painting I took a Q-tip and gently wiped away any paint to reveal the white gesso.


  1. I love this, I wouldn't change anything. The format is very becoming to it.

  2. Thanks, Mary! It kinda 'grew' on me overnite. I'm liking it better today than I did yesterday. Funny how that works....

  3. Yes I love it as well, has a very nice flow to it and the colors are very relaxing.

  4. Thanks Tracey! Another experiment that didn't turn out too bad.

  5. I think this one is wonderful!
    I too often decide that a painting is done, even though I don't really know if I like it --- then find myself liking it so much better after a little time away. I think it happens when I'm trying too hard to 'make' something happen with a painting and forget that the joy of watercolors is often just working and finding out what a painting has become in the end! :)

  6. Welcome to my blog, Angela.:) This one is still not one of my favs but I like it a lot better than I did at first. I think I overworked the frog? I'm so happy you like it!
