Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Cleaning }:(

I skipped this chore last Spring because I hate heavy house cleaning but the time has come to face the mess and tackle it head on. By the time I'm done for the day I'm in no mood to paint or anything else for that matter. I'll be finishing my orchids as soon as I'm done dusting those 'hard to reach' places, scrubbing, washing windows, throwing out numerous boxes I've saved for some unknown reason...the list goes on. I'd kill for a housekeeper right now.


  1. a housekeeper is my number one priority when I win the lottery!

    that I rarely buy a ticket for

    Quentin Crisp said forget cleaning, that after the first 3 years the dust didn't get any deeper ......

    .. mmmmm

  2. The dust was turning into BIG bunnies and the cat hair was out of control. I'm a 'once over lightly' and 'tidy up a bit' kinda housekeeper. Laundry and dishes it good. I'm now dealing with the aftermath of that brand of housekeeping. I don't buy lotto tickets either, Vivien. Maybe I should start or stick the money in a cookie jar and save up for a real housekeeper.

  3. Me too! I think I need a copy of that cartoon!

  4. It's awful when you like a clean house but hate to clean house, isn't it, Katherine?
