Monday, March 30, 2009

Mike's Cat~Done!

This one is finally completed. Yes! I've added the pastels and few other small details. I won't be able to have this one scanned because I used pearlescent paint on the fish and water splash. The mica in the paint would light up like a flash bulb but I just couldn't resist. It looks great IRL. I've photographed it myself and will copy to a CD for printing. Rachel, my print gal will have to make a few color corrections but my photo is pretty darn close. I lost a little of the yellow base color but I'm sure that can be recovered in PSP.

BTW, I'm looking for a title for this one. It'll always be Mike's Cat to me and of course, to Mike but I'm looking for something clever and more suitable. I'm open to suggestions!


  1. Gorgeous! Would love to see this IRL as I am sure the pearlescent paint does pretty things that you can't capture in a photo.

  2. Its wonderful Billie. I love the softness of the cat and the fish is perfect. Excellent work.

    As for a name, its too early in the morning for me to tackle that one, but if someone jumps into my brain I'll let you know. :)

  3. This is off the charts!!!! I love everything about it, there has to be a book here somewhere (or have you already started and I missed it?)

  4. This is so clever Billie, I love the way the cat is holding onto the moon with its tail and everything about it is just right.

  5. thanks, Anita.:) I've been dying to try this pearlescent paint on something ever since i bought it. I think i got it for a dragonfly painting. not sure.(?)anyway, i finally saw my chance.

  6. Thank you, Jeanette.:) the pastels gave the cat another texture and made it stand out from the rest of the painting. I had my doubts at one point but it worked.

  7. Glad you like this one so much, Nick.:) I haven't spent anytime on a story yet but i'm contemplating it. i'm still working on the title for the painting. I've looked over the studies and the finished pieces from this series to see if there's enough continuity for a storyline. i'm hoping inspiration will strike.

  8. Give credit to Mike for the idea, Mary. he threw a few ideas at me and I/we came up with this. he's been my muse lately.

  9. This turned out great Billie! For a title how about "Just Out of Reach"?

  10. Well Billie hate to see the cat lose my name but I know it has to be done. How about "moon light hunter" or "cat on the moon". This cat came out way beyond my expectation I can't wait to get my copy.


  11. I hate to see my name leave the painting Billie, lol...but I know it has to be done. How about "moon light hunter" for a name.
    I can't wait to get my copy....I love it, it is soooo cool.


  12. Good one, Stacy! I'll add it to my list of possibilities.

  13. I'm so happy you like the outcome, Mike.:) I'll also add your suggestions to my list.
