Saturday, February 07, 2009


Well, before it was all said and done I threw everything I had at this one trying to figure out what worked best and what didn't work at all. I found out you can put CP's over acrylics. If you put down CP's first forget putting anything over them. I tried valiantly to soften the edges of that reflection with soft pastel. The cat which I did with pastel pencils was an after thought. I'll definitely take more time with the fur when I redo this piece. The surrounding landscape is just rubbish. I'll have to give that more consideration before I begin again. Also HP paper will not take much abuse so I'll be keeping that in mind, too. On the bright side, I love the eyes in the reflection. I think they make the painting. Once again...any C & C is welcome and don't be shy either.

Note: Notice anything odd in the reflection? Check the direction of the cat's tail. It's on the wrong side. I had a *d'uh* moment when I did that. Maybe the current was so strong it moved it to the other side? Sounds good anyway............


  1. I think CPs are wax based which is probably why nothing will go over them. LOL about the cats tail! Its looking really good though and experimenting will lead to a great final image.

  2. You've got the makings of a really good piece here. Its good to be able to experiment and work out composition, mediums, placement of cat's tails... :)

  3. Anita, I was pretty sure I couldn't go over CP's but I had to try. ahhh, yes...the cat's tail. serves me right for not doing a proper study first. i hopefully would've caught that sooner.

  4. thanks, Jeanette.:) it's a good idea in theory but it's lacking something. not sure what yet. i may shelve this one for awhile and work on other things. then i can come back to it with fresh eyes. i DID have fun messing around with mediums and techniques i don't normally use.

  5. I know this will be a wonderful piece Billie. I tried drawing something with ink over CP and it just beaded so the theory of lean over fat fits in this case also.

  6. very true, Mary. i knew better but had to try anyway. just testing the limits with this one. oddly, when i tried to use CPs as a resist on another piece the paint went right thru. go

  7. Now that is fantastic!!! You took it to another level on all counts, I'm impressed.
