Wednesday, February 18, 2009

East Meets West Completed

I had a blast doing this one! I finally called it done last night. I could've fiddled endlessly with those orchids but wanted to preserve some sort of spontaneity to them.

Next time I plan to be more bold with my pours. I also plan to take a cue from Nick Simmons. He doesn't tape his paper to a board. This gives him more freedom of surface movement.

Check out this short video clip on Nick's blog to see him in action. It's well worth watching.


  1. Beautiful Billie, you have a lot of variety in the the focus, yes it does look spontaneous - for me the #1 thing in art - and it still looks wet - the #1 thing in watercolor. I guess that's two #1s, isn't it? lol True, I've never taped/stretched a piece of w/c paper in my life. Ought to try it once, I guess, just to see what all the ruckus is about!

  2. I've never stretched a piece of paper either. I doubt if I ever will. I'm too lazy and don't have the equipment anyway.

    I'm thrilled you think this was a success! My goal is to try for more energy in this type of painting as well the wet look. Wish me luck.

  3. Well, now I know something new! I've never tried a pour, but after seeing your work and Nick's demo, it looks like great fun.

    Billie, this orchid is fabulous. The background suits it perfectly too. More, more!!

  4. thanks, Jeanette.:) i really enjoyed pouring. i plan to keep it up. you gotta try it at least once. there were a few moments when i felt it was getting away from me. i think i forgot to breath but somehow it worked out.

  5. Billie this is gorgeous! It is wonderful to see your flowers again.

    I enjoyed the video of Nicolas's pours so much, it is incredible how he wipes out the pour to get back to the white paper. He has such expertise and confidence with the pours.

  6. thank you, Mary!

    Nick's got so much confidence with pouring, doesn't he? he just goes with the flow(pun intended). me? i freak out but hopefully i'll get calmer with practice.

  7. Superb!
    Where do I find this video of Nick's pours? Intrigued!
    Nick says that for him it still looks wet - this is a huge thing for me too. I love watercolour while its wet but it seems to lose so much power the minute it dries. Can you varnish watercolour to keep that shiny wet look?
    HAHAHA - the word verification I got for this post is SPLATI!

  8. hey Anita...thx! yes, i guess you can varnish w/c's. Deborah Kirby offered some instructions on WC:

    check out the link i left in my last post to go to Nick's video or go to his blog. it's his last post. you can't miss it.

    i had the same thing happen with the access/verification word on Jeanette's blog. check it out in the comments. looks like someone is having fun with us bloggers.;) too many coincidences, IMO.

  9. WOW t his is so beautiful, Billie.
    I love all the colours in this one.
    Absolutely great.

  10. Thank you for stopping by and your lovely comments, Doris.:)

  11. wow love it, the colors are so loose yet rich & juicy...I think you have inspired me! Although I don't think I can 'let go' of stretching my paper, I am a bit of a control freak after all ;) I think you totally succeeded with showing the energy & movement in the painting, well done!

  12. Hi Tracey.:) thank you for your comment! i tend to tighten up(read control freak)if i'm not careful. i'm trying to break away from that. for a pour this is tight, IMO. watch Nick pour. now that's freedom! i love the combo of loose and tight. it satisfies both my artistic 'needs'.
