Saturday, March 01, 2008

CATITUDE 5~Surprise!(?)

This one has been a long time coming. I started over 4 times before getting anything I felt was decent enough to post. I'm still not satisfied with it.

I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't the new paper I'm using. The paint is just not behaving for me the way I'd like. I got a great 'going-out-of-stock' deal on Fabriano Uno paper...five full sheets for $10. Before ordering I did a little research on it and found information stating it was the same as Fabriano Artistico(which I love!) only they had changed the name. When it arrived I noticed the surface texture was quite different from the Artistico. It had a pressed linen-like texture and was a bit shiny. I also noticed it tends to buckle easily with heavy washes. Another thing...when glazing over dry washes the paint lifted. I'm going to order my favorite Fabriano Artistico and re-do this painting....again(!) and compare the results. I'll be painting this cat in my dreams.

Anyone who owns or even knows a cat also knows they don't like surprises. Neither do I. Especially if they aren't 'good' surprises.


  1. Oh Billie what a surprise when your blog opened up. I love this! You really captured a live expression and everything about it is excellent.

  2. I agree! it's wonderful however unhappy you were with the paper - full of life and character

  3. Thank you, Mary and Vivien!:) i've fiddled with this paper since my last posting and found some redeeming qualities to it. i do like the finished surface. not as 'nubbly' as the Artistico and it scrubs out very well without destroying the texture. However it doesn't go with the rest of the series so i will be redoing this.

    i'm considering it for 'The Cat That Swallowed The Moon' rather than using hot press.

  4. I think its fabulous the way you go after the "expressions"!

  5. thanks, Ron! so far i've been able to locate excellent references of some very expressive cats. i haven't had to 'Cat-toon' them which isn't my style anyway. i may exaggerate the look a smidge but not much.

  6. Fabulous expression on this beastie! :) You're so proficient in watercolour, I'm jealous. :)

    Some papers just don't perform as well as others in the same medium and its frustrating when you find that out the hard way.

    However, paper or not, I think you did a beautiful job with this one.

  7. Billie, I can't see what there is not to be satisfied about with this painting. This guy looks GREAT! But I do know when I have difficulty with a painting, those feelings affect my judgement of it.

    Sorry to hear your paper wasn't such a deal after all. Thankfully it has some redeeming qualitites. I've heard good things about the Fabriano Artistico and keep meaning to try it someday. So far I've only used Arches CP.

  8. thanks, Stacy.:D i think i was being so judgemental because all along i thought it was me that was the problem. i tend to blame myself first. it finally occurred to me it could be the paper *D'uh!*...which isn't all that bad...just different. i had gotten so used to the Artistico and what it will do. it's really great paper so i do hope you'll try it.

  9. Jeanette, i missed your comment! sorry:(

    thank you for your comment on my watercolor skills.:D truth be told, I'm still feeling my way around with them. this medium has such a mind of it's own sometimes. i still rely a lot on 'happy accidents'.

    as for the paper, the Uno is not bad paper. it's just not what i'm used to. i still have a lot left so i will be experimenting with it.

  10. LOL Billie! This is sooooo grand!!
    I adore this! The life and expression you brought to the paper is amazing. You may not be happy with it---but we all are!
    Seeing this made my day!

  11. Judi! well, howdy stranger! thank you for your comment.:D i'm thrilled i could put a smile on your face!

  12. Hi Billie, i'm new to your blog as a result of your post on WC regarding my 'Blue Swimmer Dinner'... thought i'd come on over and check out your kitty cats. They are fantastic! Love them all - what a great series!

  13. PERUGINA, welcome to my blog! i'm glad you enjoy my cats.:) i see you're also a cat person. I loved your crab! i'm a fan of all 'critters'. they fascinate me and give me inspiration. sometimes when i least expect it.
