Saturday, February 10, 2007

Catch of the Day

Ha! Not exactly what I had in mind when I decided to paint fish but I saw this photo and couldn't resist.


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    OH MY! this is not what I expected, but what a fun image. Come on... do a series. They will end up in a local restaurant. Be brave.

  2. Great fish Billie! I like how you captured their shine, but I'm not sure I like them all staring at me. :D

  3. Hi Billie! LOVE the fish! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Terrific work.

  4. I do love this Billie. The colours are great, all those eyes and mouths - wonderful stuff!

  5. thank you ladies! this gave me a chuckle when i saw the reference photo so i had give it a try. Lisa, i'm so glad you stopped by! i just commented on your black pearls on the 'half shells'. Wowzers!!
