Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ellie in the Fall

I've finally completed this. I had my doubts how well this one would turn out but I'm pretty satisfied with my results.


  1. This is charming!

  2. Thanks Anita.:-) my first baby portrait! can you believe it? LOL

  3. Just beautiful Billie. Your first? Never!! You can do anything!

  4. Jeanette, I wish! I am beginning to feel more comfortable with this medium, tho.

  5. Billie, i would be very satisfied, watercolor was meant for someone like you.

  6. Hi Billie! I saw this in the WC forum. It is really good. I think you have a knack for portraits. This may be your first baby portrait, but it would be a shame if it was your last.

  7. You did well on this baby. I have painted a couple of baby portraits in the past and I don't want to do anymore. ;-)
    I like the light and you did well on the delicate features.

  8. thanks Chris. i had a great reference photo that i couldn't pass up.

  9. OMG! i just realized i shot right past your posts, Stacy and Mary!:( thank you both so much for stopping by and your great comments! oh man.......

  10. Hi Billie!
    Wow-this is so lovely! Thanks for not only sharing your beautiful results... but also how you got there. I know some day I will dabble more into wc-and you will be my inspiration!

  11. thanks Judi.:-) maybe i can tell you all the things NOT to do when you start dabbling. i'll certainly be rooting you on!

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Wonderful first. I expect many more to come. The butterflies are over, seems you are kicked into gear. Great finish Billie.
