Monday, November 20, 2006

Purple Orchid

This is a little something I whipped up after the cat fiasco. I tried to keep to a fairly limited palette...Perm. Rose, Mauve, Cobalt Blue Deep and Raw Umber. I threw in some Sap green for the leaves. I wasn't sure how to get the dark, dark BG so I deviated a bit w/Prussian blue and Burnt Sienna. I softened a few of the edges so the BG colors would flow in and blend with the COI.


  1. You did a beautiful job, Billie! You are so good painting flowers.

  2. thanks, Mary.:-) i'm getting a bit better w/practice.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Billie - lovely, waiting for the next.

  4. thanks Robin! it's in the works.:-)

  5. Lovely image, its so full of life.

  6. Jeanette, thanks for stopping by and your great comments!

  7. You are definitely getting to grips with watercolour! And you have the feline handicap! Waiting for the next one!

  8. Anita, i'm learning as i go and and trying to realize my own style in the process. i think the style will develop on it's own. technique is my only stumbling block at this point but i will persevere.
