Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Gardens

Who doesn't love sunflowers? Aglaya Daisies
My gardens 2006

Everything you see was planted by me including the grass. In the early years of gardening I managed to kill my entire lawn with an over application of fertilizer. What a mess!:(

I did want to mention that I'm also a mod on MichiganGardenClub. It's a great little site for the Michigan gardener started by Pat O'Neil. Hi Pat!

~ Garden Design ~

In my opinion garden design is an artform in itself. A gardener not only has to plan out color combinations and plant forms but take into account growing conditions, bloom times, hardiness zones...it goes on and on. I wonder if Wetcanvas would ever consider a garden design forum? Probably not. The time between updates would be months and possibly even years. oh well...it was a thought.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    You live in such a pretty place. I would love to share garden stories. Lovely photos Billiie.

  2. Billie so glad you have your blog and that now we can see your wonderful pohtography, garden and art. I love these photos and your garden shows how much you love gardening. Beautiful!

  3. Hi you two! yes...I love gardening. I've found it fosters a lot of creativity in me and nothing IMO, is more satisfying than seeing things grow and enjoying the 'fruits' of my labor.
