Friday, February 16, 2018

Channeling ~ complete

I finally was able to get a decent photo of this piece finished. The differences are subtle and may not be as noticeable in the image as they are IRL but I'm calling this done. I'm including a quick sketch of my next collage. I'm going to call this 'Still Life with Drawbridge'.

This is a familiar scene in my hometown during the summer months. The bridge goes up every 1/2 hour on the dot so the boat traffic can pass and the vehicle traffic can plan around this. It still creates a huge bottleneck because the main drag is a state highway and traffic can pile up fast.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Channeling ~ WIP

I'm almost done with this latest collage. There's still a little tweaking to be done. It was inspired by the man made channel (aka Pine River) in my own town. It connects Lake Michigan with Round Lake creating a safe harbor for ships and boats. I've taken photos along the way to create a work in progress beginning with the very first sketches. Most of the papers are homemade including blue crystalline paper for my lake water. The rest are magazine pages and a few prints I made from images I found online.

Friday, February 02, 2018

Cards and more Cards

A dear friend has been so sick since the
very beginning of the year.
I thought she could use a laugh.
This silly frog was inspired by a bit of pottery I saw on Pinterest.

I've been a card making fool lately. Here are a few of my latest...two Valentine cards and one Get Well. Card making is #1..a wonderful way to personalize a greeting and #2..a great way to try a new technique, new stencils, new compositions, etc. It's a win, win endeavor.