Saturday, June 17, 2017

Image Transfer w/Inkjet on Print Paper

I really didn't intend to wait so long between updates. We've experiencing an ongoing heatwave that has raised Cain with my lungs, even with the AC going. Of course the humidity piled on so I've spent the past few weeks just trying to breath. It's almost impossible to focus on art under these circumstances but I did get one new collage completed. I'm calling it 'Bohemian Sunset'. I also tried something completely new.

I was browsing Youtube videos or Pinterest, not sure which and saw mention of using printer paper and a laser printer to create image transfers. ummmm....maybe I can use my ink jet printer instead. Let's see what comes of this.

 Here I've applied a layer of gel medium to a piece of 140# watercolor paper, the reason being I want the layer of gel medium to protect the surface of the wc paper while I rub away the excess printer paper. I used the image of a butterfly, cut out and coated with more gel medium, then laid face down and left to dry.

And this is my result after wetting down the printer paper and rubbing it away. The inkjet ink did transfer. I like it! It's not crisp and clear but it has a funky appeal. Kinda vintage.

I thought this turned out really cool. I printed out the same image three times, then applied them one a time, allowing each to dry completely and applying a coat of gel medium between each addition. Some areas of the images got rubbed away so I added a suggestion of the missing part with Micron pen. Very vintage.